Branding & Concepts

At Pick & Tell we are aware of the importance of branding. And branding does not exist without a strong story and creative concept(s). 


What do you want people to know?

What is the story you want to tell? What is the value of your product, brand or service? And most importantly, how can people relate to it?

These are all essential questions that must be asked when you think about your brand when you present yourself both online and offline. Yes, you might understand the importance of what you do. But the audience needs to be able to see it as well.

At Pick & Tell we assist you in shaping and creating the details of your brand's story in order to reach the right people for you. Branding has become everything. Even a painter or a musician has to promote themselves like a brand online in order to sell their art and reach their audience nowadays. Together we connect the dots of your unique selling points, customer value and eventually form the story that will translate your brand's authenticity to the public.


Creative Concepts

Creative Concepts can be applied to anything and everything; campaigns, brands, social media series, content etc. The most important thing is that these concepts will make people feel something. And more importantly, feel something for your brand.

At Pick & Tell we are specialized in storytelling and concept creation. This means we build a creative concept by using the brand's story and value proposition as the foundation for the concept.

A creative concept can be an umbrella for many things. It could be an umbrella for a campaign with all its content. It could be an umbrella for all your social media content. It can be an umbrella for a brand story; capturing and communication the core message. At Pick & Tell we work together with you to end up with the most authentic and relevant creative concepts for your brand.